Saturday, August 11, 2012

Signing up for College in 15 Easy Steps, lol

Back in the old days (the 80's) when you wanted to take classes in college you simply went to the school, picked the class from a list, waited in line, added the class with a registrar, and paid for the class.  Simple and stress free.  Over the past 2 days I spent 3 hours on line and on the phone with 3 different people in order to sign up for one class through Rio Salado.  This process was so aggravating and asinine I almost dropped out before beginning. I can't imagine the class being half a hard as signing up for it.

Step 1: Browse through the online catalog and find the class you want.
Step 2.  Spend twenty minutes looking for how to add the class only to find out nothing can be added until you sign up for the special MCC (Maricopa County Colleges)  account
Step 3.  Sign up for the MCC then at the end find out "there is a problem with your account" and it cannot be set up because I already have an account in the past.
Step 4.  Unable to sign in to old account due to information not matching I must call in and have password reset
Step 5.  Call Tech to have password reset but now cannot log in because I am in "inactive status"
Step 6.  Call back to registrar and they update my account so I am active and I am assured I can sign up now. My account now appears under the name "Bundy" instead of "Broadwater"
Step 7.  Finally able to add the class then click on the "Pay Now" button in which a series of questions regarding my citizenship come up:
    a) What year did I move to Maricopa County?
    b) Am I a citizen of the U.S.?
    c) Have I lived in other states?
    d) Can I provide documentation I am a U.S. Citizen?

After completing the questions and answering that I have been here since 1974, the system tells me I will be charged for "Out of State" tuition rates.  I rechecked my answers and I cannot believe after 38 years in Maricopa County they have determined that I don't qualify for In-State tuition rates.

Step 8.  Another call back to Rio Salado in which I let the lady on the phone know there must be a mistake and she would need to fix it. She politely tells me that there is a new law recently passed called "Prop 300" that now requires I submit proof of citizenship/residency prior to being allowed the In-State tuition rate.  I must now scan and fax a copy of a signed form declaring my citizenship and a color copy of my DL or Birth Certificate.  THEN I must wait a day before going through the entire process of signing up for the class and paying for it online.

Step 9.  A mere 2 hours into this horrific process I scan and email the necessary documents and get to wait another day to finish the enrollment process

Step 10.  Day 2.  Hooray, I am finally able to sign in, sign up and pay.  Another link takes me to the Online Bookstore in order to buy a book.  A sigh of relief came much too soon as I entered into Bookstore hell.

Step 11.  Must sign up for a bookstore account before purchase a book.  After providing a pint of blood and my first born son I click the "check out now" button.  I am trying to rent the book (a new option in which it's more like a long library rental) and the system tells me I did not sign the proper documentation to "rent" a book and must go through another link (Follett Bookstore) to download the proper paperwork agreeing to actually give them Aiden and Saige if I don't return the book in 3 months.

Step 12.  Go to Follett Bookstore website, give them all my personal information so they can steal my identity.

Step 13.  Go back to bookstore website and redo everything again.  Very excited to "checkout" again because I feel the end is near only to be struck in the head again with another "you do not have the proper documentation on file to rent this book".

Step 14.  Call back to Rio Salado Bookstore who lets me know I need to talk to Follett Bookstore and they give me the number.  Follett Bookstore walks me through the process of linking the Follett account to the Rio Salado Account.

Step 15.  Add and pay for the book through the website then crumble to the ground in exhaustion.


  1. this the way the world is going? We should all move to a commune, forget the outside world and be HAPPY!

  2. Great Kay, you figured out how to comment. Sometimes things were easier prior to computers but I'd have to write a book instead of a blog.
